New Homeowners Top Ten List

New Homeowners can be overwhelmed with everything that goes into purchasing a home they can forget about the necessities. Here is a quick list a few items to get started in your new home.

New homeowners keys
  • Smoke and Carbon Monoxide detectors
  • New Locks
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Tool Kit
  • Maintenance Schedule. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
  • Light Bulbs
  • Batteries
  • Ladder
  • First Aid Kit
  • Insurance

Although some of these things seem simple, they can be over looked every easily.

If you didn’t have an inspection on your roof, siding or gutters, Give Spartan Roofing a call for a free inspection and estimate today.

I will go into a little detail on some of these bullet points.

smoke detector

Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors:

These are a necessity. Carbon Monoxide detectors and smoke detectors have saved many lives. Most people understand why to have a smoke detector, so here are the reasons to have a Carbon Monoxide detector.

Carbon Monoxide can be leaked by your dryer, furnace, water heater, broiler and fireplaces (both wood and gas). This gas is odorless, so it cannot be detected by humans or even dogs. Some symptoms of Carbon Monoxide poisoning can be headache, chest pains, upset stomach, dizziness and much more. To learn more about Carbon Monoxide poisoning check out the CDC Website.

new homeowners locks

New Homeowners, New Locks

I hope I don’t need to tell you to get new locks, but here we are. This should be one of the first things that you should do as a new homeowner. All exterior door locks should be changed, both deadbolts and knobs. If you have a garage door, look up the company website and learn how to change the code to the garage door opener. You can never be too safe nowadays.

fire extinguisher

Fire Extinguisher

Far too many homes have been lost to fires. You can help avoid this by having a few fire extinguishers around your home. Make sure you have one in the kitchen and make sure it is graded for kitchen use.

homeowners tool kit

Tool Kit

This was one of my favorite things to buy for myself when we bought our home. It’s nice to have your own set of tools at the ready whenever needed. Believe me you will need to hang pictures, change out outlets, hang curtain rods and so much more. There is always something to be done around the house and you will be happy to have your own tool kit for all your small home improvement needs.

New Homeowners Maintenance Schedules

Let me tell you, there is nothing like a schedule or checklist. Becoming a homeowner is a very exciting adventure, it also comes with a lot of responsibilities. Check out my checklists here, Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

Light Bulbs

Who knew there were so many different types of light bulbs. Different watts, different brightness, different uses of energy. I would suggest getting all new LED bulbs for your home. They will save you money in the end. Also, make sure that you have extras on hand, because you never know when a bulb will burn out. Equally important as your indoor lights are your outdoor lights. Make sure that your outdoor lights are working for safety’s sake.


Make sure that you have all size batteries on hand. Especially, the ones that go into your smoke detector and Carbon Monoxide detector. No one likes to hear that small beep go off in the house telling you that your batteries are low.

new homeowners ladder


I highly (see what I did there) suggest getting a small ladder. 4ft should do about everything you need around your home. You might also want a larger ladder for outdoor needs. If you are not comfortable on a tall ladder, please don’t use one. Ladders and step stools are great to have around the house, especially if your short like me.

First Aid Kit

New Homeowners First Aid Kit

Now we hope you never have to use a first aid kit, but they are great to have around your home. You can easily buy a first aid kit on Amazon pretty reasonably. Once you have the kit you can add different or more items to the kit as needed, but it is a great place to start.


Last but by far not least, Homeowners insurance. This is a must have for homeowners. Make sure you sit and talk with your agent about the type of insurance you need for your home. This is a decision that you need to make on your own. If you currently have a claim with your homeowners insurance concerning and roof, siding or hail damage, Contact us here.